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Tata Technologies InnoVent rules and regulations

1. Eligibility: 

1.1. Participants must be currently enrolled students pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech), or a Diploma program in India and should be in the pre-final or final year of their respective programs during the academic year 2024-25.

1.2. Participants must provide valid proof of their enrollment at an engineering college and current academic standing, such as a college ID card or an official document from their educational institution.

2. Team Formation: 

2.1. Teams participating in Tata Technologies InnoVent can consist of 1 to 5 members. Participants can choose the team size that best suits their preferences and skill sets.

2.2. Diverse teams are preferred to encourage a variety of thoughts and ideas. An ideal team composition should include gender diversity, and we encourage the participation of specially-abled members. Diversity will be a key evaluation criterion during the Stage 1 project shortlisting and scoring process as explained in Rule 6.1 below. 

2.3. All team members must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in section 1. 

2.4. Once teams are formed, they cannot be modified or changed at any stage during Tata Technologies InnoVent. 

3. Project categories 

3.1. The Tata Technologies InnoVent program accepts innovative projects relevant to the Automotive, Aerospace, and Industrial Heavy Machinery verticals. Only projects aligned to these verticals will be considered valid entries. 

3.2 Participants are encouraged to explore and submit innovative ideas and solutions in the following categories: 

3.2.1 Generative AI for Engineering Competitive Products Generative AI solutions for product design and engineering – AI-driven enhancements in product design and engineering to automate and optimize workflows. Example: An AI tool that suggests design improvements for new car models. Generative AI solutions for virtual validation and testing – AI-driven enhancements in product design and engineering to automate and optimize workflows. Example: An AI tool that integrates with CAD systems to suggest improvements for vehicle design. Generative AI solutions to improve product design quality – AI solutions for analyzing and enhancing product design quality, ensuring top-tier performance. Example: An AI tool that identifies design flaws and suggests corrections in automotive components. Generative AI solutions for engineering productivity improvement – Enhances engineering productivity using AI and predictive analytics. Example: An AI system that streamlines the engineering design process by simplifying material selection and reducing design iterations. Generative AI solutions to identify and integrate sustainable materials in product design – Facilitates the integration of sustainable materials using AI. Example: An AI tool that recommends eco-friendly materials for automotive interiors. Generative AI solutions for leveraging product usage data to engineer better products – Utilizes AI to analyze product usage data for creating user-centric products. Example: An AI platform that analyzes warranty complaint data and customer feedback to improve automotive features. Generative AI solutions for developing proposals based on customer requirements – AI tools for generating customized proposals tailored to customer demands. Example: An AI system that studies multiple technical documents and engineering designs to generate personalized product proposals for clients. 

3.2.2 Generative AI for Manufacturing Profitable Products Generative AI solutions for improving product manufacturing quality – Enhances manufacturing quality control processes to minimize defects. Example: An AI tool that uses image recognition algorithms to detect defects in real time during vehicle production. Generative AI solutions for CNC machines and robotics code generation – Optimizes CNC machining and robotic operations through automated code generation. Example: An AI system that generates precise code for CNC machines, enhancing manufacturing efficiency. Generative AI solutions to identify and alert safety issues in shop-floor environments – Implements AI systems for real-time monitoring and alerting of safety issues. Example: An AI system that monitors and alerts workers to potential hazards on the shop floor. Generative AI solutions for machine health monitoring, diagnostics, and cognitive analytics – Develop AI tools for continuous monitoring and diagnostics of machine health. Example: An AI platform that predicts maintenance needs for industrial equipment to prevent downtime. Generative AI solutions for adaptive manufacturing – Investigate adaptive manufacturing techniques using AI to dynamically adjust processes. Example: An AI system that adjusts manufacturing parameters based on current production needs to improve efficiency. Generative AI solutions for optimizing product supply chain – Enhances supply chain management through AI-driven forecasting and logistics planning. Example: An AI tool that optimizes delivery routes and schedules to reduce delays in the supply chain. 

3.2.3 Generative AI for Delivering Great Product Experience Generative AI solutions for developing product collaterals – Uses AI to create detailed and engaging product brochures and materials. Example: An AI system that automatically designs custom brochures for various customer groups. Generative AI solutions for leveraging product usage data and providing insights – Uses AI to study product usage and identify improvement opportunities. Example: An AI tool that tracks how manufacturing equipment is used and suggests optimizations. Generative AI solutions to enhance in-car user experience – Uses AI to improve the in-car experience by personalizing settings and features. Example: An AI system that adjusts temperature, music, and seat positions based on the driver’s preferences and past behavior. Generative AI-based interactive tools for product information and troubleshooting – Offers AI-powered tools for accessing product details and solving issues in real time. Example: An AI chatbot that delivers on-the-spot troubleshooting advice for industrial machinery. Generative AI solutions for customer engagement during pre-sales – Enhances customer interactions during the pre-sales phase with AI applications. Example: An AI-powered virtual assistant that provides detailed walkthroughs of new automotive models, helping potential customers understand features and benefits. 


4. Registration Process: 

4.1. Participants can register for Tata Technologies InnoVent by visiting the official event website and completing the project application form.  

The form consists of 3 sections: 

Section 1 – Team registration (Team Name, Team leader, and team member details, along with TPO, and faculty advisor details)

Section 2 – Project details (Industry vertical, project category, problem statement, Proposed solution, benefits of the solution, Technologies/Framework used in the project, Benefits the project Is likely to deliver, Current state of your project, efforts Invested In the project thus far, Google drive link with a supporting presentation, Images, and videos on your project, college Id card for all team members)

The supporting presentation must cover dedicated slides on the below content:

/ Introduction: Introduce the team and provide a brief overview of the project.

/ Problem statement: Clearly define the problem or challenge that the project aims to address, along with the market size and future potential.

/ Objective & Approach: State the project’s main objective and describe the approach or methodology used to tackle the problem and address the challenge. 

/ Solution overview: Present a detailed overview of the solution, highlighting its key components and functionalities. You can use multiple slides to showcase the solution and Its novelty. 

/ Challenges faced: Discuss the challenges encountered during the project development and how they were overcome. 

/ Technical implementation: Explain the technical aspects of the project, including the technologies, tools, and frameworks used. 

/ Results & Achievements: Showcase the outcomes, achievements, and impact of the project, supported by data or evidence. 

/ Demonstration: Provide a recorded demonstration of the digital or physical prototype of the innovation showcasing its functionality and features. 

/ Future enhancements: Share potential future enhancements or iterations that could further improve the project. 

/ Project plan: Project plan for building a functional prototype or Proof Of Concept (POC) related to the project. 

4.2. The registration period will be open from 18th Jun ’24 till 31st Jul ’24. 

4.3. Participants are required to save their project presentation, including images/videos of the virtual/physical prototype, along with valid college ID cards for all participants in a Google Drive folder titled as the team’s name. 

4.4. The participants must provide full access to the folder by clicking on Share > General access > Anyone with the link. The link is to be submitted in the project registration form as a response to the question: Add a Google Drive link to the folder with supporting documents: Detailed project presentation, supporting images, and Videos of the virtual/physical Proof Of Concept (POC) / Prototype, and college ID card for all the team members. 

4.5. The project form must be filled in its entirety by the participants in one uninterrupted session. It cannot be saved or resumed later. Participants are advised to gather all the above-mentioned information and materials beforehand to ensure smooth and uninterrupted completion of the form. 

4.6. Once the project form has been successfully submitted, it is mandatory for the participants to ensure that all fields in the form are filled in their entirety and accurately. No changes or modifications to the project details will be allowed once the submission is complete. It is the responsibility of the team to thoroughly review and verify all information before finalizing the submission. 

4.7. Once the project application form is submitted, participants will receive a confirmation email with their unique registration ID and further instructions regarding the next steps of the hackathon. 

5. Hackathon stages: Tata Technologies InnoVent comprises a 3-stage shortlisting process

5.1. Stage 1 – Project registration: Participants submit their project application form by filling in the team details, concept, project overview, and supporting presentation. Submitted entries will be evaluated for plagiarism check and evaluated by a panel of SMEs on parameters mentioned in section 6 – Evaluation criteria and top teams will be shortlisted. 

5.2. Stage 2 – Virtual POC presentation: Shortlisted teams refine their approaches and work on their virtual Proof Of Concept (POC) and technical presentation, which the teams will virtually present to a jury panel of SMEs from Tata Technologies, followed by a Q&A. Top teams will be shortlisted for the Final Proof Of Concept (POC) demonstration round.

5.3. Stage 3 – Final demo day: Shortlisted teams develop their prototypes over 2 months and showcase their prototypes in a physical event for jury evaluation. The jury will evaluate the project based on the features of the prototype and evaluate It on diversity, novelty, scalability, and the potential impact that the project can create. 

6. Evaluation criteria: The entries submitted will be evaluated on the following parameters across all stages:

6.1. Diversity of ideas – Innovation projects will be evaluated based on the inclusivity of ideas, including the representation of diverse genders within the team. Ideas and contributions from specially-abled team members are encouraged. 

6.2. Novelty of the Innovation: This criterion assesses the uniqueness and originality of the solution presented by each team, considering their ability to think outside the box and come up with novel approaches.

6.3. Feasibility of building a prototype: This evaluates the technical approach and its deployment by the participants in developing their prototypes or solutions. It considers the feasibility of completing a Proof of Concept (PoC), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), or prototype with the approach shared by the team, along with the quality of coding, use of advanced technologies, and overall technical proficiency. 

6.4. Future impact and scalability: This criterion evaluates the potential impact of the solution in solving the problem statement and the practicality and scalability of the proposed solution. It assesses its potential for real-world implementation and growth in a broader context.

7. Prizes & Awards:

7.1. Top 3 teams to be awarded with cash prizes and trophies.

/ 1st Prize – INR 3 Lakh**

/ 2nd Prize – INR 1 Lakh**

/ 3rd Prize – INR 0.5 Lakh**

** Terms and conditions apply. All cash prizes are subject to applicable tax deductions at the source and all the team members will need to share the pan-card details for processing prize money equally among all the members of the winning team.

7.2. Mentorship and learning opportunities from SMEs.

7.3. Paid internship opportunities with Tata Technologies for the top teams at a location of Tata Technologies’ choice in India. 

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